Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Back home again.

Image via weheartit.

I'm back. How are all you lovely bloggers? Thankyou for all your comments while I was gone. I hope you had a lovely Christmas, what did you get? I was very happy with all my presents, surprised at a few. I had a really nice time at the coast, just relaxing and eating ice - cream everday. What am I going to do without you now Baskin and Robbins?

I have a few photos to share with you, and some new discoveries, but for now I'm going to leave you with some questions. It'll help me get to know you all better. Everyone seems to be doing them lately. I was going to think of my own questions but the ones Much Love posted, pretty much summed up what I wanted to say. She said you could answer them on your own blog. So that's what I'm going to do.
Only I want you to answer them as well!

One thing that you loved in 2009?
Going to the coast and eating ice-cream and swimming everyday. Oh, and starting blogging!
One thing you're loving this very moment?
Being on holidays. It's lovely. No school, I can just relax and do whatever.
One thing that you'd love to do next year?
I'm starting to get more interested in photography, so I'd like to explore that a bit more. I've got heaps of ideas for photos in my head, it's just that my annoying old digital camera just doesn't like me. I think I'll have to steal Dad's...I'd also like to take up piano again.

So please do take the time to answer them :). And feel free to say more than one thing, cause I sure did. Haha.

Happy New Year!


  1. One thing that you loved in 2009?
    Going to Melbourne and discovering new places in wellington
    One thing you're loving this very moment?
    Being on holiday and just being able to do what ever I want
    One thing that you'd love to do next year?
    Getting more into my art hopefully and doing subjects that are more suitable for me at school

  2. One thing that you loved in 2009?
    Making new friends.
    One thing you're loving this very moment?
    The nice hot weather, and being in a nice, cold air conditioned home.
    One thing that you'd love to do next year?
    Learn to play guitar.

    PS. Happy New Year!

  3. One thing that you loved in 2009?
    Going to woodford folk festival.

    One thing you're loving this very moment?
    Having money. But now i'm too careful with it... i don't know what i should spend it on.

    One thing that you'd love to do next year?
    Start going to youth group. Learn how to drive..
    and hopefully stay alive while i do it.

    Im glad you had a good time up the coast :)


  4. HAPPY NEW YEAR to you, I hope 2010 is wonderful to you xxx

  5. of course i meant it dear:) my email is if you want to get in touch

  6. it's like a little star...
    i hope you have a loveable time.




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